Intel released their latest Sandy Bridge processors earlier this year in a new socket 1155 platform. Computer enthusiasts and gamers are started to find the best motherboard CPU combo for their new computer project. Let me help you to give some ideas to be smart in choosing which one is the best for you.
There are two chipset currently available out there to support these new processors the P67 and the H67. The H67 doesn't have the capability to overclock the new i5 and i7 processor. Also it does not support the multi GPU graphics, not a gamer stuff. It would be wiser if you choose a motherboard that has the P67 chipset.
ASUS offers different types of P67 board, the P8P67 Deluxe, P8P67 Pro and the P8P67. The Deluxe version is the ASUS high-end follow with the Pro and lastly the P8P67. All of these boards have the same state of the art technology features from ASUS and it differs only in some points. The Deluxe version has 2 Gbit LAN and the Pro has only 1. Both of them are great performer and easy to overclock but has an price difference. If you don't need the extra Gbit LAN the Pro would be a better choice.
The P8P67 is the lowest price. For another cheaper than the Pro version but lacks of eSATA and SLI support. It shows a bit slower in a CrossfireX configuration but very good in a single GPU card. If you don't have any applications for the Multi-GPU and eSATA port this board is perfect for you.
The best choice for the processor would be an i5 or i7. There's only difference between the i5 2500 and the 2500K. If you want to do more overclocking to push you further go with the K version to unlock more potential speed. If you're happy to throw in another for the hyper threaded i7 2600K nothing can stop you. Set your own records!
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